VIPAIR inc TERRALANDE R800, 2014, PEARL WHITE Hello, many greetings from Germany (Bavaria), Super ATV windshield, fits Perfect, looks super, thank you very much for the production of such a good product. Enclosed as promised a few pictures Greeti... ATV windshield high-quality product perfect fit Nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc GRIZZLY 550 & KODIAK 450, 2012 Installation was easy. Nice design.... attractive design ATV windshield Easy Installation Nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc RUBICON 500, 2016 & RANCHER 2010-11 ok. The pics, you sent for installation, helped a lot. The 2 White ones are the 2016 Honda Rubicon. On the left is a 2010 Honda Rancher. On the right is a 2011 Honda Rancher.... customer feedback installation Rancher Rubicon Nov. 24, 2022