VIPAIR inc KINGQUAD 750, MATTE BLACK If you plan on purchasing a windshield for your quad, make it a VIP Air product. Excellent service, shipping and installation is easy with a perfect fit for your Ride. Great product... customer satisfaction KingQuad 750 VIP Air windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc RUBICON TRAIL EDITION Very nice product, relatively easy to install, very good quality, looks great and functions as it should. Very happy with the windshield. David Rochon... customer satisfaction high-quality product Rubicon nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc BRUTE FORCE 750, 2017 RED Thank you for your help. The windshield is great, installed with ease. Attached is a photo.... 750 BRUTE FORCE customer satisfaction windshield. nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc GRIZZLY 700, 2017, ALPINE WHITE Just a quick thank you for an awesome product! Looks and works great. Daniel Gyles Palermo Maine.... 2017 customer satisfaction Grizzly 700 windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc KINGQUAD 700, 2006, RED Meet the RED BULL a 2006 Suzuki Kingquad with over 10,000 miles. It even has a horn that sounds like a bull My Red Bull with the VIP AIR windshield. This windshield is ROCK SOLID, no vibrations in the... 2006 durability KINGQUAD 700 windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc 2009, BRUTE FORCE 750, TEAM GREEN I FINALLY got around to installing. Love it. great instructions, was an easy job and looks great. Pics attached. Thanks again ! Timothy Trevenna... 2009 Brute Force 750 installation windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc CAN-AM, OUTLANDER 400, YELLOW 51-987-06 (BRP-06) Pictures of the windshield mounted on the atv. I was impressed with the ease of assembly and mounting. William black... CAN-AM OUTLANDER 400 windshield YELLOW nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc RINCON, COPPER CLIFF ONTARIO I rode for the first time with this windshield and am very pleased with how much warmer of a ride it is. Very sturdy. Nice design and fairly easy to install with two people. Gerry Guido... customer satisfaction Rincon warmer ride windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc RUBICON 500, 2016 & RANCHER 2010-11 ok. The pics, you sent for installation, helped a lot. The 2 White ones are the 2016 Honda Rubicon. On the left is a 2010 Honda Rancher. On the right is a 2011 Honda Rancher.... customer feedback installation Rancher Rubicon nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc SPORTSMAN INDY RED PS-09 MODEL Good morning: I put my VIP AIR windshield on almost a year ago. It has been by far, the best accessory I could have added; Zero problems. It’s especially great when it’s raining or colder outside and ... accessory customer satisfaction Sportsman windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc KINGQUAD 400, 2016 RED Here is my installation result. Perfect fit perfectly with a great look. Approximately 30 minutes for the installation. Thank you, Paul Gravel... customer satisfaction installation Kingquad windshield nov. 24, 2022
VIPAIR inc CFORCE 800 2015 METALLIC ORANGE Good morning. Here are some pictures of my Quad after VIP-AIR windshield installation. Excellent product easy to install, only difficulty is no clear picture, on the instruction sheet (photocopy) I am... CF800 customer satisfaction installation windshield nov. 24, 2022